Ingman, JamesIsley, Jacob (Mrs)Kaywood, W RLaboyteaux, DavidMadden, ThomasNeal, MrsO'Herron, JohnPacey, Mary
Ingman, MrsJackson, BenjaminKeener, JohnLacey, InfantMaddy, BessieNeely, Thomas (Mrs)O'Meara, JamesPacey, Mary J
Ireland, AmieJackson, ChildKeesling, Stephen (Mrs)Lacey, Mrs.Mahoney, InfantNeff, DaughterO'Neil, JohnPacey, Thomas
 Jackson, ChildKegerries, MorindaLake, George DMahoney, MarionNeff, Ed (Mrs)Ogle, CharlesPainter, Hannah
 Jackson, MaryKeiser, MotherLakey, AaronMaloney, InfantNeff, Eli MrsOgle, DavidPainter, Mr.
 Jacobs, MyrtleKeller, GeorgeLambert, MrsManey, RoseNeff, WilliamOgle, HannahPalmer, Emma
 James, MKelley, FannieLamn, ChildMann, E BNellis, Henry (See Hellis)Ogle, Infant of AlbertParker, Thomas
 James, MiltonKelly, AlbertLampkin, CharlesManor, JohnNelson, Infant of A LOsborn, GeorgiaParks, Samuel
 James, Milton (Dr)Kelly, JamesLancaster, NelsonManor, SamuelNewcomb, Mary EOsborn, ThomasParks, Sarah
 Jamison, John (Mrs)Kelly, JamesLandry, SusieManor, WilliamNewhouse, JamesOsborn, W. H.Parrott, William
 Janney, BerthaKelly, JamesLangon, ThomasMansfield, CharlesNichols, SylviaOutland, JamesPatterson, Bro of William
 Jensma, JohnKelly, JohnLarimore, J DMansfield, CharlesNixon, MariahOver, CharlottePatterson, Martha
 Jester, George (Mrs)Kelly, ThomasLarkin, AlmaMansfield, PerryNorris, LauraOwens, O WPatterson, Son of William
 Jetmore, LewisKemper, PatienceLawler, MaggieManuel, OllieNottingham, ArthurOxley, HaroldPatterson, Son of William
 Jockley, VeraKerrigan, RichardLeach, HazelMarks, JohnNottingham, MarshOxley, OrenPatterson, William
 Johnson, EdwardKerwood, Abia (Rev)Leager, GeorgeMarsh, JohnNyce, James R Paul, Mary A
 Johnson, ElizaKidwell, MiltonLeager, DellaMartin, Aaron  Peacock, Infant of Charles
 Johnson, EmmaKiefer, FreddieLeager, Infant Son of ThomasMartin, C A  Peandrew, Rollie
 Johnson, GladysKiger, Son of ValentineLeech, G TMartin, Joseph  Pearce, John F
 Johnson, MaryKilgore, DavidLefavour, Mrs.Martin, Julia  Pence, John
 Johnson, Mary JaneKinser, Thomas (Mrs, mother)Leffler, FrancesMcAbee, Lizzie  Pennell, Floyd
 Johnson, SarahKirby, SarahLennon, James (Mrs)McAlister, Lizzie  Perdue, Infant of M L
 Johnson, T H (Mrs)/a>Kirby, ThomasLenox, SamuelMcAlister, Mr  Perrin, Anna
 Johnson, Washington (Mrs)Kirk, Joseph (Mrs)Lenox, SamuelMcAlister, William  Perry, Henry
 Johnson, WilliamKirkpatrick, DaleLewellen, JohnMcBurcoy, Daniel  Persey, Phillip
 Jones, A C (Dr)Kirkpatrick, MaryLewellen, MissMcCabe, Lawrence  Pershing, Mother
 Jones, AdaKirkwood, MaryLewis, BenjaminMcCartney, Newton  Peterson, Emma
 Jones, AlbertKlaus, HenryLewis, MariahMcClellan, W R  Petty, Frank
 Jones, CatherineKline, MrLewis, WilliamMcClelland, James  Petty, Frank
 Jones, GilbertKnapp, Infant of FrankLewis, WilliamMcClung, James  Philips, Mahala
 Jones, GracieKneff, DaughterLewis, WilliamMcColly, Cynthia  Phillips, N H (Mrs)
 Jones, HarryKoons, GeorgeLikens, ChildMcColly, John  Phillips, Ner (Rev)
 Jones, JohnKoontz, PortieLingle, RalphMcCormick, Eva  Pinkerton, C. T.
 Jones, MaryKorn, O. T.Linville, BoydMcCoy, Carl  Pinkerton, Claretta
 Jones, MrsKraus, DorotheaLitkey. Ethel WMcCoy, Samuel  Pleasant, William
 Jones, Nancy AKress, OlethaLockwood, FreddieMcCoy, Son of John  Plume, Mary Jane
 Jones, Patsy Long, LemmonMcCrae, Emma  Poindexter, Reba
 Jones, Vonie Lotrip, SamuelMcCulloch, James (Dr)  Poling, Kazarr
 Jones, William Louthain, ElizabethMcCulloch, Mary  Postal, Israel
 Joyce, Patrick Lovett, EdmundMcDonald, Joseph  Powers, Alice
 Jump, Samuel V (Dr) Lovett, EdwardMcDowell, John  Powers, James H (Dr)
 Justice, Millie Luckey, JackMcElfresh, G W  Powers, Mrs
   Ludlow, JohnMcElfresh, Infant of G W  Preston, Charles
   Luick, CharlesMcKinley, Amanda  Preston, Frederick
   Luick, Mary JMcKinley, Charles  Pretzman, Elmira
   Luick, Mary MMcKinney, David R (Dr)  Priest, Fred (Mrs)
   Lush, JohnMcKinney, Seth  Prins, Sarah
   Lykens, MorrisMcLaughlin, Sarah  Prutzman, Elmira
   Lyons, EdwardMcMahon, John  Puckett, E J
   Lyons, JacobMcmillin, Mrs  Puckett, Elisha J (Dr)
   Lyons, MrsMcNairy, Son of James  Pugh, Herman
    McNees, Pearl   
    McPherson, Frances Gertrude   
    McVicker, Josiah   
    Means, William   
    Medsker, Daniel   
    Medsker, Daniel   
    Meehan, James   
    Meeker, George   
    Meeks, Carrie   
    Meeks, Isaac   
    Meinse, Henry   
    Mellerup, H C   
    Mendenhall, Lindley   
    Messick, William   
    Metts, M S   
    Milburn, Silas (Mrs)   
    Miller, Bayard   
    Miller, Henry   
    Miller, Horace   
    Miller, L A   
    Miller, Lucy   
    Miller, Newton   
    Miller, Silva   
    Millhollin, William   
    Mitchell, Clovilda/Corilla   
    Mitchell, Harvey   
    Mitchell, Infant   
    Mitchell, Nellie   
    Mitchell, Nellie   
    Mitchell, Samuel E (Dr)   
    Mock, Zola Flo   
    Moffett, Lambert   
    Monroe, Frederick   
    Monroe, Henry   
    Moore, Fannie   
    Moore, Joseph   
    Moore, Joseph   
    Moore, Parker   
    Moore, Phillip   
    Moore, Thomas (Mrs)   
    Morfoot, Harvey   
    Morgan, W J (Dr)   
    Morin, Lucinda   
    Morin, Seeberry   
    Morton, John   
    Mote, Oliver   
    Mott, Eva   
    Mower, Infant Dau of George   
    Mulholland, James   
    Munsey, J. S.   
    Murphy, Anna   
    Murphy, Peter   
    Murray, Cora   
    Myers, George