Ingman, James | Isley, Jacob (Mrs) | Kaywood, W R | Laboyteaux, David | Madden, Thomas | Neal, Mrs | O'Herron, John | Pacey, Mary |
Ingman, Mrs | Jackson, Benjamin | Keener, John | Lacey, Infant | Maddy, Bessie | Neely, Thomas (Mrs) | O'Meara, James | Pacey, Mary J |
Ireland, Amie | Jackson, Child | Keesling, Stephen (Mrs) | Lacey, Mrs. | Mahoney, Infant | Neff, Daughter | O'Neil, John | Pacey, Thomas |
| Jackson, Child | Kegerries, Morinda | Lake, George D | Mahoney, Marion | Neff, Ed (Mrs) | Ogle, Charles | Painter, Hannah |
| Jackson, Mary | Keiser, Mother | Lakey, Aaron | Maloney, Infant | Neff, Eli Mrs | Ogle, David | Painter, Mr. |
| Jacobs, Myrtle | Keller, George | Lambert, Mrs | Maney, Rose | Neff, William | Ogle, Hannah | Palmer, Emma |
| James, M | Kelley, Fannie | Lamn, Child | Mann, E B | Nellis, Henry (See Hellis) | Ogle, Infant of Albert | Parker, Thomas |
| James, Milton | Kelly, Albert | Lampkin, Charles | Manor, John | Nelson, Infant of A L | Osborn, Georgia | Parks, Samuel |
| James, Milton (Dr) | Kelly, James | Lancaster, Nelson | Manor, Samuel | Newcomb, Mary E | Osborn, Thomas | Parks, Sarah |
| Jamison, John (Mrs) | Kelly, James | Landry, Susie | Manor, William | Newhouse, James | Osborn, W. H. | Parrott, William |
| Janney, Bertha | Kelly, James | Langon, Thomas | Mansfield, Charles | Nichols, Sylvia | Outland, James | Patterson, Bro of William |
| Jensma, John | Kelly, John | Larimore, J D | Mansfield, Charles | Nixon, Mariah | Over, Charlotte | Patterson, Martha |
| Jester, George (Mrs) | Kelly, Thomas | Larkin, Alma | Mansfield, Perry | Norris, Laura | Owens, O W | Patterson, Son of William |
| Jetmore, Lewis | Kemper, Patience | Lawler, Maggie | Manuel, Ollie | Nottingham, Arthur | Oxley, Harold | Patterson, Son of William |
| Jockley, Vera | Kerrigan, Richard | Leach, Hazel | Marks, John | Nottingham, Marsh | Oxley, Oren | Patterson, William |
| Johnson, Edward | Kerwood, Abia (Rev) | Leager, George | Marsh, John | Nyce, James R | | Paul, Mary A |
| Johnson, Eliza | Kidwell, Milton | Leager, Della | Martin, Aaron | | | Peacock, Infant of Charles |
| Johnson, Emma | Kiefer, Freddie | Leager, Infant Son of Thomas | Martin, C A | | | Peandrew, Rollie |
| Johnson, Gladys | Kiger, Son of Valentine | Leech, G T | Martin, Joseph | | | Pearce, John F |
| Johnson, Mary | Kilgore, David | Lefavour, Mrs. | Martin, Julia | | | Pence, John |
| Johnson, Mary Jane | Kinser, Thomas (Mrs, mother) | Leffler, Frances | McAbee, Lizzie | | | Pennell, Floyd |
| Johnson, Sarah | Kirby, Sarah | Lennon, James (Mrs) | McAlister, Lizzie | | | Perdue, Infant of M L |
| Johnson, T H (Mrs)/a> | Kirby, Thomas | Lenox, Samuel | McAlister, Mr | | | Perrin, Anna |
| Johnson, Washington (Mrs) | Kirk, Joseph (Mrs) | Lenox, Samuel | McAlister, William | | | Perry, Henry |
| Johnson, William | Kirkpatrick, Dale | Lewellen, John | McBurcoy, Daniel | | | Persey, Phillip |
| Jones, A C (Dr) | Kirkpatrick, Mary | Lewellen, Miss | McCabe, Lawrence | | | Pershing, Mother |
| Jones, Ada | Kirkwood, Mary | Lewis, Benjamin | McCartney, Newton | | | Peterson, Emma |
| Jones, Albert | Klaus, Henry | Lewis, Mariah | McClellan, W R | | | Petty, Frank |
| Jones, Catherine | Kline, Mr | Lewis, William | McClelland, James | | | Petty, Frank |
| Jones, Gilbert | Knapp, Infant of Frank | Lewis, William | McClung, James | | | Philips, Mahala |
| Jones, Gracie | Kneff, Daughter | Lewis, William | McColly, Cynthia | | | Phillips, N H (Mrs) |
| Jones, Harry | Koons, George | Likens, Child | McColly, John | | | Phillips, Ner (Rev) |
| Jones, John | Koontz, Portie | Lingle, Ralph | McCormick, Eva | | | Pinkerton, C. T. |
| Jones, Mary | Korn, O. T. | Linville, Boyd | McCoy, Carl | | | Pinkerton, Claretta |
| Jones, Mrs | Kraus, Dorothea | Litkey. Ethel W | McCoy, Samuel | | | Pleasant, William |
| Jones, Nancy A | Kress, Oletha | Lockwood, Freddie | McCoy, Son of John | | | Plume, Mary Jane |
| Jones, Patsy | | Long, Lemmon | McCrae, Emma | | | Poindexter, Reba |
| Jones, Vonie | | Lotrip, Samuel | McCulloch, James (Dr) | | | Poling, Kazarr |
| Jones, William | | Louthain, Elizabeth | McCulloch, Mary | | | Postal, Israel |
| Joyce, Patrick | | Lovett, Edmund | McDonald, Joseph | | | Powers, Alice |
| Jump, Samuel V (Dr) | | Lovett, Edward | McDowell, John | | | Powers, James H (Dr) |
| Justice, Millie | | Luckey, Jack | McElfresh, G W | | | Powers, Mrs |
| | | Ludlow, John | McElfresh, Infant of G W | | | Preston, Charles |
| | | Luick, Charles | McKinley, Amanda | | | Preston, Frederick |
| | | Luick, Mary J | McKinley, Charles | | | Pretzman, Elmira |
| | | Luick, Mary M | McKinney, David R (Dr) | | | Priest, Fred (Mrs) |
| | | Lush, John | McKinney, Seth | | | Prins, Sarah |
| | | Lykens, Morris | McLaughlin, Sarah | | | Prutzman, Elmira |
| | | Lyons, Edward | McMahon, John | | | Puckett, E J |
| | | Lyons, Jacob | Mcmillin, Mrs | | | Puckett, Elisha J (Dr) |
| | | Lyons, Mrs | McNairy, Son of James | | | Pugh, Herman |
| | | | McNees, Pearl | | | |
| | | | McPherson, Frances Gertrude | | | |
| | | | McVicker, Josiah | | | |
| | | | Means, William | | | |
| | | | Medsker, Daniel | | | |
| | | | Medsker, Daniel | | | |
| | | | Meehan, James | | | |
| | | | Meeker, George | | | |
| | | | Meeks, Carrie | | | |
| | | | Meeks, Isaac | | | |
| | | | Meinse, Henry | | | |
| | | | Mellerup, H C | | | |
| | | | Mendenhall, Lindley | | | |
| | | | Messick, William | | | |
| | | | Metts, M S | | | |
| | | | Milburn, Silas (Mrs) | | | |
| | | | Miller, Bayard | | | |
| | | | Miller, Henry | | | |
| | | | Miller, Horace | | | |
| | | | Miller, L A | | | |
| | | | Miller, Lucy | | | |
| | | | Miller, Newton | | | |
| | | | Miller, Silva | | | |
| | | | Millhollin, William | | | |
| | | | Mitchell, Clovilda/Corilla | | | |
| | | | Mitchell, Harvey | | | |
| | | | Mitchell, Infant | | | |
| | | | Mitchell, Nellie | | | |
| | | | Mitchell, Nellie | | | |
| | | | Mitchell, Samuel E (Dr) | | | |
| | | | Mock, Zola Flo | | | |
| | | | Moffett, Lambert | | | |
| | | | Monroe, Frederick | | | |
| | | | Monroe, Henry | | | |
| | | | Moore, Fannie | | | |
| | | | Moore, Joseph | | | |
| | | | Moore, Joseph | | | |
| | | | Moore, Parker | | | |
| | | | Moore, Phillip | | | |
| | | | Moore, Thomas (Mrs) | | | |
| | | | Morfoot, Harvey | | | |
| | | | Morgan, W J (Dr) | | | |
| | | | Morin, Lucinda | | | |
| | | | Morin, Seeberry | | | |
| | | | Morton, John | | | |
| | | | Mote, Oliver | | | |
| | | | Mott, Eva | | | |
| | | | Mower, Infant Dau of George | | | |
| | | | Mulholland, James | | | |
| | | | Munsey, J. S. | | | |
| | | | Murphy, Anna | | | |
| | | | Murphy, Peter | | | |
| | | | Murray, Cora | | | |
| | | | Myers, George | | | |