1901 Burials
Those Buried at Mt Tabor Cemetery in 1902
[These are actually 1901 burials published in 1902]

During the last year, only ten persons have been buried in Mt Tabor Cemetery, which is located five miles southeast of Muncie. Those interred here during that time were: C O Hanna, Selma; John Morton, Peter Bolton and Ella Ford, of Muncie; Mrs John Simmons, Wayne Hutchings and Mrs Frank Hitchcock, Selma; Miss Bell, of Stout, and two children.

A M Shreeves will call on persons who are interested in the cemetery for money for the care of the grounds during 1902.

Mt Tabor is one of the largest in Delaware County.

[Regarding the inclusion of two children, other records gathered indicate that one child was Frank Petty. No other children have been found for the noted time frame. 39 year old George Williams does not appear on the list but available records and extant marker support his inclusion. The ladies listed were Marietta Simmons, Eliza Hitchcock and Nellie Beall]
The Muncie (Indiana) Morning Star
February 23, 1902