John Younce
December 30, 1900
The (Muncie, Indiana) Star
John A. Younce Dead in Richmond Hospital
(Star Special Service)

Richmond, Ind., December 28, John A. Younce, for many years and active in respected citizen near Eaton, died Thursday night in
the State hospital here. The body will be shipped to his home for burial. The funeral services will be held in their Christian Church
of Eaton Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Younce was placed in the hospital here on the recommendation of a commission,
consisting of Justices of the Peace Gray and Moreland, Dr. Jackson, of Muncie, and an Eaton physician. He had but one arm.
December 30, 1900
The (Muncie, Indiana) Star
John A. Younce Buried

The funeral of John A. Younce was conducted from the Christian Church at Eaton by that Rev. B. F. Aspy at 1030 o'clock Sunday
morning. The services were in charge of the I. O. O. F. and Masons.

John A. Younce was born in Miami County, Ohio, September 7, 1838, and died at Richmond, Ind., December 28, 1900, age 62
years,3 months and 21 days. He leaves a loving wife and five children, Rosa living in Colorado; Laura A., living in Muncie;
Charles A., living in Colorado; Fanny I., living in Muncie, and Rollo O., living in Muncie. All of the above-named children
are married but Rollo O. He was a member of the Masons for 23 years and also an Odd Fellow for 18 years.