John Wise |
John Wise died yesterday after noon at the home of his son, Benjamin Wise 530 South Gharkey street. The deceased was aged 85 years and had been ailing for some time. Everything possib;e had been done for him, but to no avail. Mr. Wise was born in Germany, coming to this country in 1853, living most of the time since in Muncie. He was a man of fine character, living a life which makes friends deeply regret his demise and have much sympathy for the son and family in their bereavement. On account of the serious illness of the wife of Benjamin Wise, the funeral services are hastened and will be held this after- noon at three o'clock at the home, conducted by Rev. Mr, Naftzger. Telegrams have been received from a number of friends and relatives at Rushville and other places, that they will be here to attend the funeral. Interment will be made in Beech Grove. |