Rebecca Wilson |
The Big Four Vestibule Strikes Mrs. Rebecca Wilson Killing Her Instantly She Steps in Front of a Train Running 30 Miles and Hour After Being Warned Another Victim of the Fast Running in the City Limits Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock another fatal accident occurred on the railroads in this city, which would be avoided had the train been running at a moderated rate of speed. Mrs. Rebecca Wilson, colored, aged about 55 years, was the victim. She attempted to cross the Big Four tracks at Ebright street in front of No. 17 and was instantly killed. The train was drawn by engine 353, in charge of Will Amazon. That gentleman says that the woman walked right in front of the engine, which struck her before he could blow the whistle. Mrs. Jane McWilliams was with Mrs. Wilson at the time and says that after crossing the track she saw the train coming and hollowed to Mrs. Wilson not to try and cross, but she did and was struck. The remains were picked up and taken to the depot and from there to the home of her mother, Mrs. Gilmore on East Jackson street. Investigating. Coroner Dr. Bowers is investigating the matter. All the trainmen will be here today and give their side of the accident. All of the eyewitnesses say that she just walked in front of the train. Mrs. Wilson was known by everybody. She has three children in different parts of the State. She has been engaged as a cook in several private families and restaurants in the city. |
The Big Four officials yesterday ordered Meeks Bros. to spare no expense in giving Mrs. Wilson, the unfortunate woman that was killed Wednesday, a christian burial. The funeral occurred yesterday afternoon. |