Josie Wilson
January 24, 1899
Muncie (Indiana) Morning News
Josie, the wife of William W. Willson, daughter of Mrs. Koontz, died yesterday morning at two o'clock at her home three and a half mile south of the city
She leaves a husband, mother, two brothers, and five sisters to mourn. The deceased was twenty-eight years of age. The funeral will be condiucted by Rev.
Mr. Oxtoby (Oxley?) at the residence tomorrow at 1 p. m. after which the remains will be interred in Beech Grove.

Josie Wilson
January 25, 1899
Muncie (Indiana) Morning News
The many friends of Mrs. Josie Wilson wiil ber pained to hear of her sudden death last Sunday evening
Burial services will be conducted at the home Wednesday at 1 o'clock.

Josie Wilson
January 26, 1899
Muncie (Indiana) Morning News
Mr. Z Williams, of Hartford City, arrived in town yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. William Wilson, Which occurs today.