Duncan Williams |
Yesterday afternoon the last sad rites were performed over the body of the deceased, Duncan Williams. At ten minutes past two the procession started from his late home on south Mulberry street, with the Masons and Knight Templar in the lead, The services at the church were conducted by Rev. C. U. Wade, pastor of the High Street M. E. Church, assisted by Rev. B. Smith. The singing was done by a quartet gentlemen, Messrs. Kimbrough, Little, Smith, and Patterson. After an eloquent prayer by Rev. Smith, Rev. Wade spoke from Psalms 90, 15 – "So teach me to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." After the sermon, the K. T. to charge of the services and went through their beautiful and impressive service, after which the body was taken to Beech Grove Cemetery and entered there. |