Silas Weaver
January 8, 1892
Muncie [Indiana] Daily Herald
During the past 2 months, almost every day we have been compelled to record the death of some well-known and highly respected Muncie citizens. The death rate of these old citizens has been marvelous, and that dreaded disease, la grippe, has been too powerful in its influence. This time we must record the death of Mr. Silas Weaver, who died yesterday at 1:30 PM at his home 2 miles north of town. Mr. Weaver has lived in Muncie and vicinity for a number of years and is well known to Muncie people. He was a member of the Presbyterian church in an honest and industrious citizen. His funeral will take place at his home tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. The services will be conducted by Rev. C. U. Wade in his body will be entered at Beech Grove Cemetery.
January 9, 1892
Muncie [Indiana] Daily Herald
Today the funeral of Silas Weaver took place at his home at 11 a. m. The services were conducted by Rev. C. U. Wade and the interment was made in Beech Grove Cemetery.