Joseph Wasson
February 19, 1920
The Muncie (Indiana) Evening Press
Loses Life In Attempt To Save Family Of Six
Lynn Wasson, Former Muncie Contractor, Is Victim Of Influenza At Home In Missouri.

Joseph Lynn Wasson, age 32, a former resident of this city, died Tuesday of influenza at his home in the timber
regions near Frederickstown, Mo., death, resulting from a relapse brought about by neglect of his own condition
in an effort to care for his wife and five young children, all of whom are seriously ill with the disease. Influenza
is very prevalent in that part of the country and the dire circumstances prevent proper medical aid. Conditions
are so bad that undertakers there cannot take care of the large number of deaths, and relatives here do not know
yet whether the body will be brought to Muncie for burial. A brother of Mr. Wasson. Ray, and Mrs. Wasson's
mother, Mrs. Fannie Fadley of this city, were on their way to the Wasson home when they received word of the
father's death. Mr. Wasson had lived in Normal City all his life until about a year ago, and was well known here.
He was in the cement contracting business. He is survived by the widow. Agnes; the children, Robert. Dale,
Lowell, Joseph and Betty; father, Oliver Wasson, brother, Ray, and a sister, Mrs. Ralph Bundy, also of this city.