Jacob Swain
July 23, 1879
Daily Muncie News
In Memoriam
Hall of Wheeling Lodge
No 325, IOOF
Wheeling, July 12, 1979
To the Offices and the Members of Wheeling Lodge:
We submit the following resolutions:
Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in his wisdom to remove from us our beloved brother Jacob Swain, a member of the Wheeling lodge, and
Whereas, There comes to each member of our order a sense of personal bereavement, when we remember his gentle manner and, and the warm attachment he felt for each co-laborer Therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of out brother we would recognize the hand of a Father who knows the best way and time to take his children home.
Resolved, That we bow in humble submission to the Divine Will and tender to the widow and friends of our dear brother our healtfelt sympathies and that they may be sustained in their deep bereavement.
Resolved, That we drape our Lodge in mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the wife of the deceased, also a copy be sent to the Muncie Times and Muncie News for publication.
F M Davis   |
S B Skinner | Com
R H Trout    |