Isaac Stout
July 17, 1891
Muncie (Indiana) Daily News
The funeral of Mr. Isaac Stout, postmaster at Stout, and one of the good farmers of this county, occured at Bethel this morning.
July 22, 1891
Muncie (Indiana) Daily News
Resolution of Respect
We, your committee, to whom was referred the sad duty of preparing a suitable tribute of respect to the memory of our departed comrade
Isaac Stout, who died July 16th, 1891. He was a Charter member in good standing of Robert Wilson Post No. 388 G. A. R. Resolved, That
we bow in humble submission to the will of the Great Father of us all and etend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in their
affliction. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of our late comrade that the charter of this Post be draped in mourning
for thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be given to the family and also published in the county papers.
J. W. Conner}
Lewis McLaughlin} Com.
Esom Greenlee}