George Stevenson |
life December 26, 1898, aged thirty-four years, eleven months and eleven days. He was joined in marriage to Miss Blanch Sealy, of West Virginia, September 26, 1895. To this union was born one son. Mr. Stevenson came to Muncie about seventeen years ago, and studied law with Attorney Warner. He commenced the practice of law about nine years ago, and succeeded well in his chosen prefession, but all his hopes were blighted by a severe attack of that fell destroyer, consumption. For three years prior to his death his sufferings were intense. He bore it with marked patience. He joined the United Brethren church thirteen years ago, deeply regretted that he had been unfaithful, but found favor with God and died fuly trusting in Him. He leaves to mourn their loss a dear companion, one little son, an aged mother, and a host of relatives and friends. His funeral was preached by the writer at Bethel to a large and sympathetic congregation. --Geo W Boxell |