Resolutions adopted by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, Oct. 3d, 1882
Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remve by death, our esteemed friend and sister, Amanda Stephensosn.
Resolved, That while we bow in submission to the Divine will, we can but sorrow deeply for one who has so long and faithfully served the society, and that as member of the same we will strive to emulate her many virtues, and by increased devotion to the cause of missions, take up ad carry on the work she has laid down.
Resolved, That while we grrieve for our own loss, we would not forget those on whom the bereavement falls so much more heavily, and that we exxtend to them our heart-felt sympathy. Truly, "the sun of the family has gone down;" let us hope, however, that "in the golden summer of another life, mother, father, and children will gather again in sweet reunion."
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased; also to the daily papers of the city.
Mrs. S. Hathaway
Mrs. Hattie Kemper
Mrs. Alice Meeks.