Arthur Smith |
Arthur Elliott Smith Passes Away at Home After an Extended Illness. Was Born In Windsor, Ind. Actively Engaged In Business Here For Many Years. Arthur Elliott Smith, 4, one ot the city's best known men and a pioneer business man of Muncle, passed away shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday morning at his home, 422 East Adams street. Mr. Smith was born in Windsor, Ind., October 11, 1848. He came to Muncle in early life with his father, the Rev. B. Smith, a former well known minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Arthur, as he was familiarly known, was a partner in the old dry goods firm of B. Smith & Son and later proprietor of the old china store on Main street, succeeding the Cassadys. The Nelson glass factory nad his interest as an organlzer and official. For nearly twenty years he had been a traveling salesman for the Vodrey Pottery Company and West End Pottery Company of East Liverpool, Ohio. Sought Health In California, Failing health made It necessary that he give up active business life and in January, 1912, in company with his wife, he went to Pasadena, Cal., hoping to find in a new climate the means of restoration. He returned home in May, last, and since then has lived feebly until a week ago when he suffered the beginning of an illness which ended a well-spent life on Thursday morning a few min- utes after 6 o'clock. Mr. Smith was married October 11 1875, to Miss Mary S. McCulloch. eldest daughter of Dr. James and Caroline J. McCulloch. An only daughter, Helen, wife of H. Willis Mithoff, and her mother survive. A nephew, Chester C. Foster, and several nieces, now residents of California, are surviving of his immediate family. Funeral This Afternoon. In early life Mr. Smith united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. After his marriage the membership was transferred to the First Presbyterian Church. Dr. B. M. Nyce, assisted by the Rev. J. E. Ervln, will conduct the services at the home, 422 East Adams Street, Friday afteroon at 5 o'clock. Muncie Commandery, No. 18, Knights Templar, of which the deceased was an honored member, will assist in the services. Burial will be made in Beech Grove Cemetery. |