Child Smith
February 21, 1880
Daily Muncie (Indiana) News
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Wheeling, died yesterday at their home.

Child Smith
February 24, 1880
Daily Muncie (Indiana) News
Died-At the residence of his parents at Wheeling, Ind., Saturday Feb 21, Grant, aged 11 years, the youngest son of E. (F.?)
and Mary J. Smith. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from the residence of the late Mrs. Mary Everett on West Gilbert
street, this city. The services were conducted Rev. E Smith, after which the remains were (illegible) in Beech Grove cemetery.

Child Smith
February 26, 1880
Daily Muncie (Indiana) News
A Card of Thanks
Wheeling, Ind., Feb. 23, 1880. We wish to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the good people of Muncie and Wheeling
who so kindly rendered to us their services and deep sympathy in this, our great affliction. Although we can not repress the
great sorrow which saddens our hearts at the death of our beloved son, yet to those friends we will ever feel truly grateful
for their kind attentions.
Ed. Smith
Mary E. Smith