Alonzo Smith
April 23, 1880
Muncie (Indiana) Daily News
Alonzo B Smith
Was born in Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, November 21, 1859. He died April 21, 1880, aged 20 years, 4 months and
21 days. His sickness was short but very painful. He came home on last Thursday with a chill, became worse on Friday,
and was confined to his bed until Wednesday morning, when at 15 minutes before 3 o;clock he passed away quietly to the
other shore. His father died when Alonzo was but a small child of four years, and he was left to the care of his mother
and older brothers. He was of a cheerful disposition, always looking on the bright side of life, and was beloved by all
who knew him. He bore the great suffering in his last illness with the calm fortitude and cheerful patience that was so
natural to him. And in his death the bereaved family has lost a noble son and brother, and his associates a beloved comp-
anion. He has passed on before to meet the loved ones over there and in a few short years, we, too, shall follow.

Card of Thanks.
Ed. News:-Allow me through the columns of the News to extend my heartfelt thanks to those who so kindly extended a helping
hand during the sickness of my son Alonzo, now deceased. May heaven reward them, for it is beyond my power, so great was
their sympathy, and should they need helping hands during such a trial, may they find them numerous and as willing as those,
who so untiringly assisted me in this great hour of need.
Mrs. Anna M Smith.