Noah Eppard |
John Reid, an aged citizen of Muncie, died Saturday night in his rooms in the Opera House building. He was about 80 years old. William Reid, a traveling salesman, is the son of the deceased. Two married daughters also survive. |
John P. Reid Dead in his 80th year Lived Here Since 1863 He Was a Blacksmith and Noted Plowmaker Funeral Monday Afternoon As was noted in this paper Sunday, morning, after a few days illness, at his rooms in the Opera House Block, John R. Reid passed away Saturday evening at 5 o'clock. By his death Muncie loses one of her oldest and most respected citizens. In 1863 Mr. here with his family from Richmond, Ind., and engage in blacksmithing and plowmaking, being in the latter trade an expert. With the exception of three years spent in Fort Wayne he remained in the same business until his site became impaired to such an extent that he was compelled to retire from active life, since which time he has made us how with his son W. S. Read, faithfully administered to his every want. Had he lived until April, Mr. Reid would have been 80 years old. He was the father of seven children, four of whom are living--Will S. Reid, Mrs. Mary McCune, of Petosky, Mich,; Mrs. Lottie Bowers, of Tabor, Mich; and Mrs. Robert W. Monroe. The funeral services will take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his rooms. |