R J Hall
March 1, 1879
Muncie [Indiana] Daily News
Mr. R. J. Hall, of Yorktown, who had been suffering for the past eight months with a cancer of his lower lip, died last evening, at that place. He will be buried to-morrow at one o'clock p. m. by the I. O. O. F of which organization he was a faithful and respeccted member. He leaves a wife and three children, besides a circle of friends, to mourn his loss. Mr. Hall was abotu 40 years of age.
March 1, 1879
Muncie [Indiana] Daily News
Notice to Odd Fellows
Members of the order wishing to attend the funeral of Bro. Hall, at Yorktown, will meet at the Hall at 9:15 to-morrow morning, where conveyance will ne in waiting. W. A. Hoyt, N. G.
March 1, 1879
Muncie [Indiana] Daily News
Later.-Bro. Hall will be buried at Muncie. Members of the order wishing to attend, will meet at the hall at twelve o'clock sharp.
March 3, 1879
Muncie [Indiana] Daily News
Mr. Hall, the depot agent at Yorktown, who died in Friday last, was buried at Beech Grove Cemetery yesterday. Mr. Hall leaves a wife and four children.