Mrs Warren Driscoll
January 3, 1902
[Muncie, Indiana] Morning Star
Eaton Woman Dead
Mrs Warren Driscoll Died, Suddenly, Wednesday
Death claimed Mrs Warren Driscoll, 43, of Eaton, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. She had been ill with muscular rheumatism, but was attacked with a malignant from of pneumonia, Wednesday afternoon, from which she did not rally. A husband and five children survive. Funeral services will be held at the residence Friday morning at 0 o'clock. Interment in Moore's cemetery near Muncie. Mrs. Driscoll was one of Eaton's best known women. She was an active worker in the Methodist Church. Her parents originally came from England. Mrs. Driscoll formerly lived in Muncie. For several years the family resided on the Ribble farm, east of the city. The deceased was related to the members of the Driscoll and Franklin families in Muncie.