Never in the annals of our little village has the death record been so large as it has
been this season. And now another is to be added to the list. Joseph Davis died at the
home of his son John, Monday morning June 17, 1895. He has been in poor health for some
months but has never been past going until Sunday afternoon when he began to fail
rapidly and continured to grow weaker until his death. Dropsy was the cause attributed
to his death but it was really a complication of diseases. He was a well known citizen
and one of the pioneer settlers of this county, and has been a resident of Smithfield
for almost fifty years. Besides numerous other relatives, he leaves four sons; John,
who is an industrious citizen of Smithfield; Joseph Jr. lives in Selma, and is township
trustee and junior partner in the firm of Black & Davis, hardware merchants of Selma. "Dick"
is a prominent barber in Muncie and Grant, who lives at Oskloosa, Ia, is a popular and successful
salesman for a Columbus, Ohio, firm. The funeral ervices were held at the M. E. church, Wednesday,
followed by interment in the Mt. Tabor cemetery.