John Craw |
John Craw, 58, well-known farmer, passed away Thursday evening at his home west of town on Wheeling Road following injuries received some three months ago when he was kicked in the stomach by a horse. While Mr Craw had not fully recovered he had greatly improved until Sunday preceeding his death when he took worse and was confined to the home most of the time although he was up and about the yard. On Thursday he became excited when the fire department passed his home and he ran to the yard where he was found later unconscious and he gradually grew worse and passed away at about 7 o'clock that evening. The funeral service was held from the home Sunday afternoon and was largely attended by his life long friends. Rev Kenneth Timmons had charge of the service assisted by Rev R L Weaver. The body was buried in Union cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Cora, three daughters, Mrs Catherine Harshamn, Mrs Ruth Cox, and Margaret Craw, and one son, Carl Craw; two brothers, Jesse and Ross Craw, and one sister, Mrs Elsworth Carter, and two grandchildren, Jean Harshman and Mary Jane Cox. |