Cranor, Maggie |
Dec. 27, 1898, aged 24 years, 9 months and 29 days. She was married to James Cranor November 13th 1890. Four children have been the fruit of this union, two boys and two girls, the boys having preceeded her to the better world. She leaves a husband, two darling little girls, three sisters and three brothers and a host of friends to mourn their loss, but their loss is her gain. Throughout a long seige of that fell destroyer, consumption, she expressed herself as ready to go whenever the Lord saw fit to call her. She never joined church, but was a firm believer in the Christian (Newlites) Church. A loving hand so glad to greet And warmly clasp my own Your welcome I no more hall meet While time and I are known. Oh tender hands whose magic touch Could soothe the keenest pain Earth holds for me no solace such Nor ever will again. Oh helpful hands so prompt to cheer And banish trouble far You made for me a Heaven here But now tis where you are. Oh open hand so free to share Oh weary hands to rest Now folded in eternal prayer Upon your peaceful breast (Written in her own hand) |