John W Burson |
Last Tuesday was a day of mourning in our city. It was the day upon which the last respects were to be paid to our esteemed fellow townsmen, John W Burson. All the business houses were closed at 12 o'clock, and our city wore the habiliments of mourning. he was buried by the masonic order of which he was a member. The Muncie Commandary received the Rapear Commandary and the Scottish Rite Masons from Indianapolis, who arrived about one o'clock, and were escorted to the Kirby House for dinner. At two o'clock the Knights Templars met at Masonic Hall, the Scottish Rite Masons at Odd Fellow's Hall, and the Masonic lodges at Simpson Chapel. At half past two they formed into procession and marched to the residence of the deceased on the corner of Walnut and Washington streets, headed by the Muncie Commandary Band and the Union Band of Indianapolis. The Knights Templars took charge of the corpse, when the procession moved to Beech Grove Cemetery. There were two hundred forty masons in the procession; one hundred and thirty Master Masons, eighteen Scottish Rites Masons and ninety-two Sir Knights. The attendance was large, we could not give the exact number, but estimate the crowd would number near six thousand. This was the largest funeral in the history of Delaware county, and the people came to pay their last respects to one of the most worthy citizens of the State. |