Acey Branson
August 28, 1903
The (Muncie, Indiana) Morning Star
Mother Thinks Wound Caused Child's Death
Physician Who Attended Acey Branson Says that His Death Was Due to Fever

Was little Acey Branson's death caused by a blow received from a playmate? The child was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Branson, who
live in Whitely. An incident happened two weeks ago which has caused many of the neighbors and the boy's mother to think that this is
true. The boy, who was nine years of age, died on Monday evening, presumably of typhoid fever. He was taken suddely ill two weeks prior
to his death and many of the neighbors think that his illness was the result of a blow which he received white quarrelling with Jesse Sar-
gent, a playmate. The quarrel, which was caused by some childish matter, took place in the woods near the Branson home, where the boys
were playing with others, and it is said that during the fight the Sargent boy picked up a brick and struck young Branson on the head,
knocking him down and partially stunning him. Hastilyscrambling to his feet the boy at once ran to his mother and sobbing pitiously, told
her of the quarrel. The wound was not regarded as being serious at the although the boy complained considerably and was put to bed. A
physician was not summoned until the next day when the boy began to get worse and was unable to sit up. Mrs. Branson states that thinks
that the fever was caused by the blow. Dr Charles Frazier, who attended the boy during his illness, diagnoses the disease as typhoid fever
and does not think the blow was as serious as is now thought to have been.