Cebert Abshire |
Cebert B. Abshire, 88, one of the first settlers in the southern part of Wells County, who came here when a young man from Henry County, Ind., died at about noon Monday at his home in Muncie, after a sickness of several minths, due t the infirmities of age, and from which medical treat- ment had failed to afford relief. His death had been expected and several times his children had been summoned to his bedside in the past few weeks. One of his sons, Ed Abshire, came home only this morning from Muncie and thought his father was better, but he suffered a sudden change for the worse and the end came rather suddenly. The decedent was one of Wells County's most successful citizens in a business way and was one of the wealthiest men in the county, his wealth having been extimated between $100,000 and $500,000. He owned property in several cities, He was one of the men who reaped a fortune from oil in the early days of the Wells County field, and he saved the income from royalties. For more than half a century he had resided in the vicinity of Keystone and part of the time in later years of his life, lived in Keystone and Muncie. Mr. Ab- shire was married three times, and he is survivied by his last wife, and nine children. On the children two, Ed Abshire and Mrs. Sarah Wasson, both of Keystone, were orn to the first union, while one child, L. C. Abshire, was born to the second marriage. Six children born to the last union are Mrs. da walters, Mrs, Dora Eby, and Mrs. Nellie Baxter of Muncie, Finley Abshire, who lives on the old home place; Herbert Abshire, of Keystone, and one daughter who resides in Michigan. The body of Mr. Abshire was interred in a new mausoleum at Keystone, for which he directed several months ago that a contract be awarded. The tomb is nearing completion and is one of the finest in this part of the state, built at a cost of $3000. With the death of Mr. Abshire probably te second wealthiest man in Wells County passed away, John Studebaker, of this city, accounted the county's wealthiest citizen. A gentleman intimately connected with the business affairs of Mr. Abshire said Tuesday that there was no doubt but that his total wealth will run over $100,000, and how much more is a matter of conjecture. This informant, who helped look after Mr. Abshire's business affairs state that he owned a round 1,000 acres of land in Wells County, while he owned in addition 50 houses and lots in Muncie and 20 in other cities. Mr. Abshire Left a Will It is known that Mr. Abshire made a will some weeks or months before his death, by the terms of which he made distribution of his wealth. He made ample provisions for his widow, including among other bequests for her 160 acres of land east of Keystone. There is other provision for her, but the exact legacies cannot be made public until after the will is probabte in court here. We are infromed that after providing for his widow in sub- stantial manner Mr. Abshire made equal division of the remainder among his children |