I purchased this pension certificate some years back on eBay. The certificate is a government-printed form with hand written information filling in the blanks. Miscellaneous notes will be in parenthesis. The application has two pages plus a small stapled note.
Act of June 27,1890.
No. 490 102 Original
United States of America
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
It is hereby certified That in conformity with the laws of the United States Catherine Widmer Widow of John Widmer a Private, Co G, 60" Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry is entitled to a pension under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890, at the rate of Eight dollars per month, to commence on the twelfth day of August 1899 and to continue during her widowhood unless she shall forfeit her right thereto And she is also entitled to two dollars a month additional for each of the following named children while living and under the age of sisteen years.
Isreal H commencing August 12, 1899, sixteen September 8, 1902.
Given at the Department of the Interior this seventh day of March one thousand nine hundred and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty-fourth.
Ethan Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior
Countersigned H. Clay Evans Commissioner of Pensions
(Typewritten in the margin)
increased to $12.00 per month from April 19, 1908, by Act of that date.
(Note stapled to form)
Your pension is increased to $25 per month from October 6, 1917, by the Act of Congress approved on that date. ATTACH THIS SLIP SECURELY TO THE FACE OF YOUR PENSION CERTIFICATE. G M Saltzgaber Commissioner of Pensions.
(The verso is designed to be folded in thirds as is tradtional for most legal documents of the time. It contains a printed paragraph regarding transfers of pensions to be null and void along with the associated penalties.)
The portion used for filing is as folllows:
Act of June 27 1890.
No 490 102
Catherine Widmer
Payable Quarterly by the U. S. Pension Agent
at Indianapolis Ind
U. S. Pension Agency, Indianapolis, Ind, Received Mar 15, 1900