The deaths listed below were gleaned from the Poor Relief Records, Archives and Special Collections, Ball State University Libraries, covering 1851-1888.
Paupers in Delaware County often recieved items at the county's expense. Vendors would submit their expenses and the county commissioners would direct
payments be made (or occasionally refuse to pay). Most receipts are for expenses involved in running the Poor Farm, paying families to house invalids,
supplying groceries and clothing to struggling families, medical care, and burial costs. Several of these can be helpful in determining death dates.
Expense filings for housing and care my say that they family cared for the person until they died. These sometimes include the actual death date. Occasionally,
doctors's submissions also noted treating someone until they passed away. Burial costs such as coffins, burial clothing and grave digging were also submitted
by retailers, cabinet manufacturers, and undertakers, etc. There is plenty of opportunity for guess work, but those records included here specifically
indicated the person had died. As with other assembled lists on this website, the dates notes here should be handled as 'dead by' dates unless otherwise
indicated. This list covers documents from 1851 to 1879.
NAME (and misc notes) | DEAD BY | NAME (and misc notes) | DEAD BY | NAME (and misc notes) | DEAD BY |
Adams, B F (Monroe Township) | Oct 22, 1879 | Harless, Child of W | Nov 11, 1876 | Milspaugh, Milton | Oct, 1877 |
Allen, Child | Jan 8, 1879 | Harliss, Mrs Wesley | June 17, 1879 | Murphey, Mrs | Nov 1 1869 |
Allen, Infant of John | Sept 2 1872 | Havers, | Oct 10, 1877 | Nelson, Child of William | Sept 22 1870 |
Andrew, Rollie | Feb 19, 1879 | Hawkins, Child of George | Feb 7, 1878 | Nelson, Thomas Jr | Apr 22, 1879 |
Babb, John B | Nov 20 1866 | Heath, Amanda | Apr, 1879 | Nickles, Bejamin | Mar 5, 1878 |
Barret, George W (noted having been in 'last stage of consumption') | May 25, 1875 | Herrald, Valentine | Sept 20 1867 | Odemire, Jacob | Sept 24, 1870 |
Barrett, Joseph (Washington Township) | Apr 20, 1879 | Hines, Mrs John | Oct 4, 1879 | Oxley, Milton | Feb 1879 |
Barrett, Joseph (Washington Township) | Aug 30 1877 | Hines, Mrs John | Oct 4, 1879 | Pacy, | Sept 25, 1879 |
Bartlett, Robert | Aug 31, 1877 | Hines, Robert | Nov 6, 1876 | Patton, Charles | Nov 3, 1875 |
Bassel, Abraham (Mt Pleasant Township) | Aug 21 1868 | Hodgson, | Jan 7, 1878 | Pittenger, Mrs | Feb 1879 |
Beath, George | Oct 26 1872 | Holmes, Mrs Joseph P | Oct 14, 1876 | Pore, Child | Nov 1, 1877 |
Becoy, Mrs | May 22 1870 | House, Joab | Mar 1, 1878 | Pore, W H | Nov 1 , 1877 |
Berry, Samuel (Delaware Township) | Apr 5, 1877 | Hubert, Henry | Oct 21, 1877 | Rench, Daniel | Nov 20, 1874 |
Bishop, John | Oct 20, 1864 | Hurtt (?), E g | Mar 30 1872 | Riley, Infant of William | Nov 3, 1879 |
Bowers, George | Apr 11, 1879 | James, Child of Elias | Apr 28, 1879 | Robertson | Feb 15, 1878 |
Brown, J (Mt Pleasant Township) | Nov 25 1967 | Jefferson, Child | Dec 4, 1877 | Rogers, Infant | Jan 19 1869-Nov 1 1869 |
Buck, Child | Mar 2, 1878 | Jones, Alma | Sept 2, 1878 | Shafer, Col Frank | Sept 2, 1877 |
Burgess, Fannie | Oct 31, 1879 | Jones, Martha | April 19 1874 | Shipley, George | Aug 30, 1877 |
Burns, Henry | Aug 23, 1879 | Kaplinger, Henry | June 22 1872 | Shouts, Child | May 10, 1865 |
Cartwright, Mary | Mar 11, 1879 | Keenan, Silvin | Oct 30, 1876 | Slurt(?), Lizzie | Mar 26 1872 |
Cayhoe, James | Nov 26 1867 | Kelly, Thomas | Nov 5 1870 | Smetson, Joseph | Sept 2 1870 |
Childs, Jefferson | May 20, 1876 | Kennedy, John W | Feb 2, 1879 | Smith, Child of Elizabeth | Sept 11, 1879 |
Chorid(?), Child (Mt Pleasant Township) | Mar 3, 1879 | Kennedy, Mrs | Sept 12 1871 | Smith, Child of Sol | July 12, 1877 |
Clevenger, Child (Harrison Township) | July 8, 1879 | Koon, Mrs Henry | Jan 31, 1879 | Smith, Sol | Mar 12, 1879 |
Coppersmith, Mrs | June, 1877 | Lacey, B | Feb 5, 1878 | Solomon, Mr | Oct 31, 1877 |
Cunningham, Rebecca | July 16, 1877 | Lam, Bridget | Mar 28, 1871 | Sroud, | Apr 28, 1879 |
Dalby, Child of Rhoda (Perry Township) | Feb 9, 1877 | Lee, Hiram | Oct 14, 1876 | Stewart, Samuel | Jan 1 1870 |
Dale, Christopher | Apr 9, 1877 | Lennan, Uriah | Nov 1 1869 | Stuart, Mary | Mar 31, 1879 |
dead body near depot on Junction Rail Road, Center Twp inquest | May 28 1870 | Lenon, J | Jan 13, 1879 | Stuart, Robert | Apr 28, 1879 |
Decamp, John N | Oct 12, 1879 | Leonard, Edward (coroner's inquest) | no date (folder 1877) | Studebaker, Mary | Oct 30 1871 |
Delong, Dorah | Aug 30, 1871 | Leslie, Mrs | Feb 15, 1879 | Studebaker, Mary | Sept-Oct 1871 |
Dick, Child of George | Sept 3, 1876 | Lester, Mrs (Mt Pleasant Township) | Feb 15, 1879 | Taylor child of Robert | Oct 22 1873 |
Drennen, Rose | Sept 18, 1876 | Lister, William | June 4 1872 | Taylor Mrs Robert | Oct 1 1873 |
Edmonds, | Sept 2 1872 | Lister, William | June 4 1872 | Thomas, Asa (actual death date July 28, 1877) | July 28, 1877 |
Ellott, Child | June 5, 1866 | Logan, Child (Mt Pleasant Township) | Dec 16 1868 | Thompson, Child of John | May 3, 1879 |
Ennis, James | June 1870 | Lybarger, Child | May 28, 1865 | Thompson, John | Apr 15, 1879 |
Favors, | Oct 10, 1877 | Mackelfresh, Child | Sept 10, 1879 | Thompson, Julia | Apr 28, 1879 |
Freeman, Archibald | Nov 5, 1878 | Marring, Mrs M | Sept 23, 1879 | Thornburg, Child of Miles (Hamilton Township) | Dec 4 1871 |
Freeman, Child | July 2, 1877 | Mayer, Sol (Monroe Township) | July 5, 1877 | VanBuskirk, J E | Aug 19, 1874 |
Freeman, M | Mar 12 1872 | McCane, | Feb 3 1872 | Weikles, Philip | Oct 11, 1879 |
Freeman, Squire | July 1, 1877 | McCoy, Danile | Jan 12, 1879 | Welch, Patrick | May 5 1873 |
Friel, Child | Oct 15, 1865 | McCroskey, James | Sept term 1874 | Wilkinson, M H | June 27 1871 |
Friel, I | Aug 20, 1865 | McDaniel, Child | Nov 28, 1865 | Worth, Sarah C | Jan/Jun 30, 1876 |
Gardner, Thomas (actual death date Jan 16 1872) | Jan 16 1872 | McElfresh, Infant of George | Sept 10, 1879 | Wright, Nathan | Sept 12, 1877 |
Gepperd, Child of A127Isac | May 31, 1877 | McIntire, Indiana | Mar 4, 1876 | Young, Child | Sept 30 1877 |
Green, Child of Asa | Dec 24, 1876 | McIntire, Jackie A | Apr 22, 1879 | Young, Louis | Feb 13, 1879 |
Green, Mary Ann | Aug 17,1878 | Medsker, Daniel | Aug 8, 1879 | Zortman, James | Nov 30, 1879 |
Gunckel, Child of Mary | May 5 1873 | Miller, Mrs | Sept 16 1872 |