Deceased Red Men Through 1894
The Muncie (Indiana) Daily Times dated June 11, 1894, published list of members of the Red Men of Muncie who had passed away through the end of 1893. The article is shared here in its entirely with the list appearing alphabetically rather than chronologically as it did in the original article.


The Red Men of Muncie Remembered Their Deceased Brothers.

Yesterday afternoon the Red Men of Muncie remembered in a very impressive manner their deceased brothers who are resting beneath the sod in Beach Grove cemetery. Over four hundred out of the seven hundred and fifty Red Men in Muncie were in line and marched to the cemetery led by the city band. In the rear was a large wagon drawn by four horses in which were flowers and evergreens.

At the cemetery the program was carried out. Past Great Shachem Thomaas G. Harrison, of Indianapolis, delivered a short address followed by a recitation by Miss Lizzie Bothwell. Chief Rev. W. W. Boss delivered the memorial sermon. After the singing of the doxology and the benediction the graves were decorated. They were abundantly supplied by with flowers and the graves of the deceased red Men was all strewn with tributes. After the lodges had completed their work they returned to the city.

The deceased De Ember Tribe No. 80, which has been in existence 23 years, are as follows:

AllenByron BJanuary 5, 1888 
CollinsFrank MAugust 9, 1887 
EberJohnApril 11, 1891 
ElliottGeorge LApril 1, 1892 
EricksonThomas BDecember 10, 1885 
FlemingCharlesFebruary 14, 1888 
HelvieF MSeptember 27, 1888(actually 1889)
HuffGeorgeDecember 27, 1885 
JamesM April 21 1891 
KepleyJohn August 4, 1884 
LeagerGeorge FAugust 2 1890 
McClellandW AOctober 28, 1891 
RobinsonJohn TAugust 17, 1880 
RobinsonGeorge WMay 15, 1893 
RodmanS SNovember 23, 1891 
SandersJohn FNovember 14, 1892 
SmithM SDecember 22, 1888 
StevensonWebsterDecember 15, 1893 
WilsonLuther BJune 24 1887

All are interred in Beech Grove cemetery excepting Frank M. Collins whose remains are at San Diego, Cal, and John Eber at Bethel, Ind.

The Twa Twa tribe No. 145 has only one dead brother, Edward H. Single.

Washtella Council No. 37, Degree of Pocahontas, have one dead sister, Mrs. John Duly.