Ellis's county history claims this was the earliest cemetery in the township. While the first appearance on a deed was not unti 1841, the earliest
extant marker at this time (2020) is that of Rebecca Cochran, daughter of D and C Cochran, who died October 23, 1839, aged 1 year, 7 months, 24 days.
Know all men that I Thomas Reeves and Polly Reeves his wife of the county of Delaware and state of Indiana do donate to the commissioners of
Delaware County and their successors in office forever intrust one half acre of land for the use of a public bering [sic] ground discribed as
follows to wit commencing forty rods from the north east corner and 12 1/2 rods from the said line north-east corner of said grave yard thence
8 rods west thence ten rods south thence eight rods east thence ten rods north to the place of beginning containing one half acre of land more
or less lying in the north east quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty four township twenty one north of range ten east in the
district of Fort Wayne Indiana to have and to hold the said lot of land forever free from all incumberences what ever and the said Thomas Reeves
and Polly his wifetogether with there [sic] heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend the said lot of land to the said commissioners of
Delaware County and their successors in office. In [illegible] of the said Thomas Reeves together with Polly Reeves his wife have hereunto set
these hands and deeds this the 6th day of August 1841 signed sealed and delivered in presents [sic] of Patrick Justice, State of Indiana, Delaware
County. (signed) Thomas Reeves, Polly Reeves.
Unfortunately, the deed for the surrounding property sold to Moses Whitson on July 12, 1841, does nothing to help locate this plot. It only notes
"forty acres with the exception of one half of an acres taken of said land for the use of a buring [sic] ground which is more fully descibed in
said graveyard deed..."
On October 15, 1841, Moses and Susannah Whitson sold the 39.5 acres to John Cullen using the same wording from July 12.
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