Frank Leon |
Who of the Magic City people do not know the genial and ever jovial Frank Leon? They are
few if any and they are late comers to Muncie. Mr. Leon has been a resident of this city
for twenty-four years and has been the same "hale fellow well met." He was born in a village
called Forbech, France, sixty years ago and was one of three children of Hebrew parentage in
the family, having one brother and one sister. Their father died when Frank was but eleven
months old. The mother then came to America with her little flock and went direct to Cincinnati,
Ohio, where she expected to get her sons into business. Frank then at the age of 15 years
came to Muncie. His brother had preceeded him and had opened the first clothing store even
in the city. This was in the year 1847 and the store was located in an old frame building
where A. Wolf now has his store. Frank Leon came when the old Bee Line railroad was completed
in 1852 and the Magic City had about 800 inhabitants. Mr. Leon bought a small stock of dry
good and notions and arranged his pack. With a light heart and a heavy bundle he had entered
the business world on his own responsibilities. This he continued for fifteen months and by
that time he had saved enough money to open a small store which he did in the old frame building
corner of Walnut and Main streets where Mr. Klein's jewelry store now is and was owned by Henry
Wysor. Mr. Leon soon afterwards moved his store across the street what was then known as the
Davis blobk or David hotel. In the yeaar 1873 Mr. Wysor built the brick building known now as
the old opera house block and Mr. Leon moveed into it on Sept. 16, 1873 and has since remained
in the same rooms.During part of this term he was in a partnership business with A. Metzger.
The partnership business commenced Sept. 24, 1866 and continued until October 4th, 1893 since
that time the store has been run by Mr. Leon and known as Leon's Famous. On Oct. 31, 1859 Mr.
Leon was married to Miss Isabella Prins, a jewish lady of New Orleans. He brough his bride to
Muncie and they have since resided there. Six children have been born to them 5 boys and 1 girl.
Four have been taken by the grim reaper death and one son Henry aged 26 years and the only
daughter now Mrs. Hettie Cohen are living and are residents of Muncie. Mr. Leon carries a large
stock of clothing, hats and caps and gents furnishing goods. His stock runs about $25,000 worth
of goods and his trade is proof of his genial and jovial nature together with honorable dealings.
He is a charter member of DeEmber tribe of Red Men of this city and also K. of P. order. Mr. Leon
has lived to see Muncie spring from a village to a thriving city and has always been with the
enterprising men in all things that has had a tendency toward improvement. Mr. Leon has in his
possession a Jewish lamp that is over 300 years old and was presented to him by Mr. Pollack of
Dayton, Ohio together with its history. It is used by the Hebrews in their Sabbath evening worship
and has seven burners and consumes olive oil.
November 14, 1896 |