Charles Wildermuth
Charles Wildermuth, Baker and Confectioner, 126 South Walnut St.

This enterprising gentleman whose name heads this editorial was born in Germany in 1844. He has resided in Indiana for 15 years and has
been in pursuit of his present business since 1871. He began in a small way, but by energy and through adaptation to this particular branch
of business he has succeeded in largely increasing his trade until his establishment ranks among the leading houses of its kind in this
section. Mr. Wildermuth makes a specialty of bread and cakes, his products being of the very highest standard of excellence, from 1500 to
2000 pounds of flour being consumed weekly. He is prepared to turn out fine articles in his line for weddings, balls, parties and other
gatherings. His establishment is characterized by neatness and cleanliness and presents an inviting appearance
Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources and Industries of the Principal Places in Wayne, Henry, Delaware and Randolph Counties
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c
Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress

Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V