L L Weller |
Success in any department of business depends to a very large extent upon intelligent proficiency, which involves a thorough practical knowledge of all the minute details embraced therein. This is more particularly true in the application to the fine and intricate departments of trade in which Mr. Weller is engaged, viz., that of manufacturing and selling parlor and cabinet organs. He establishes factory here in 1879 in a comparatively small way. The original factory and its contents was destroyed by a fire, causing considerable loss. The present factory building, just completed, is a substantial brick building 30 x 45', two stories, with engine and boiler house 30 x 35. The ground occupied for yard, storage, lumber, etc., is one and one half acres. The entire equipment is very complete, affording the most ample facilities for the rapid and economical execution of work in this line. The favorable location of Muncie with regard to its facilities for the supply of material, as well as field for trade, ensures the success of this enterprise. The organs here produced are noted for their superior tone and workmanship. Whenever introduced, the products of this establishment are pronounced by amateurs and professionals to be equal to the highest priced instruments now before the public. Worthy of special notice in this connection is the fact that organs purchased here are purchased at less cost than that of any other establishment, with perhaps one single exception the desirable feature of the business is worthy of public consideration unlike nearly all other organ factories, no agents or subagents, offices or branch offices employed at high salaries, rents or commissions. All organs manufactured here are sold direct from the factory at the lowest factory prices, thus avoiding a next her cost of 40 or 50 per cent that must be paid by the purchaser when he purchases from other establishments, who in order to sell their products, produced in localities where material and labor are higher than in the West, necessitates the employment of traveling agents with high salaries or commissions the must be added to the price of the organ; to the intelligent purchaser these facts are instructive and admonish him as to how he can subserve his own interests when purchasing an organ. Complete facilities are afforded the general public who are desirous of purchasing instruments; price lists, illustrated catalogs with terms, advice and instructions, descriptive, full and complete, are sent to any address on application, affording the family at a distance all the information necessary to make a judicious selection of any style of instrument manufactured. All communications must be addressed to L. L. Weller, Muncie, Ind. |
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V |