J Truitt
J. Truitt, Hard wood Lumber

Making a prominent specialty of manufacturing and shipping walnuts, ash, oak, and other hardwood lumber, the house of Mr. J. Truitt, of Muncie
claims recognition as one of the most important finalizing industries our thriving city and one of the leading establishments of Central Indiana
in this special branch of trade. This representative house was established in 1874 by its present enterprising proprietor, who has since conducted
the business with the exception of one year, during which period the firm name was Truitt and Rockenfield. The plant in this city covers aground
space of about 2 acres, upon which is erected an L shaped building, with an area of 6000 ft.², equipped with two large and three smaller saws,
propelled by one 50 horse power engine and boiler. The average weekly capacity of the mills is 40,000 feet per week although they have turned out
and cut 20,000 feet of selected logs per day. Handling during the past year and approximate of 1,000,000 feet of lumber, the aggregate transactions
of Mr. Truitt will range from $20,000-$25,000 per year. A great portion of the output of his mills is purchased by railroad companies and car shops
in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois, while he shipments to dealers and manufacturers East form no inconsiderable amount in the financial estimates of Muncie's
commercial importance Mr. Truitt purchases the greater portion of his material "on the stump"and during the season employs about 25 men and teams
at a weekly expense of not less than $300. He also transacts considerable custom work and has a large local demand. Mr. Truitt is a native of Adams
County Ohio and first came to Indiana in 1830, locating in this section. He taught school for five years and occupy the responsible position of County
Surveyor for the county for some length of time. He has been prominently identified with numerous commercial and industrial enterprises and was engaged
in the marble business prior to embarking on that which now occupies his attention.
Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources and Industries of the Principal Places in Wayne, Henry, Delaware and Randolph Counties
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c
Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress

Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V