Milt Thomas |
This unique title may be found on the front of one of the popular livery and sale stables of this city, and whatever may be the modest pretensions of the proprietor, we take the liberty of commending it to traveling men, as it is known in the city is one of the most efficiently conducted establishments of the kind to be found in this section of the state. This business dates back over a quarter of a century ago. The old building formerly occupied here having been destroyed by a fire in 1882, the present commodious building was erected by Mr. Patterson for Mr. Thomas and completed, equipped and occupied December 18, 1882. This building situated on S. Walnut St., is one and a half stories in height and 40 x 115' in dimensions, is recognized as one of the best constructed stables in Delaware County and is kept in the most perfect order. In a sanitary point of view, these stables are noted for the cleanliness which pervades every department. Accommodations are provided for 100 horses, and ample assistance is always provided for securing every attention to stock entrusted to their care. Elegant carriages and buggies, with first-class rigs and roadsters, are kept for pleasure parties or funeral occasions, and a traveling man or others are conveyed to different points on reasonable terms and orders, in person or by telephone will receive prompt attention. Mr. Thomas is a native of Champaign County, Ohio, where he was born in 1828. He has been a resident of this county since quite a young man and has, consequently, been identified with the business operations, growth and progressive interests of this city since its infancy. |
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V |