W Ed Richey |
In reviewing the various manufacturing and mercantile interests of Delaware County, the drug trade is worthy of a prominent position among the most prosperous and thrifty mercantile establishments of the county. With few exceptions this branch of industry is characterized by able injudicious management. In Muncie there are seven drug houses; especially prominent is the drug house of W. Ed. Richey, established over 20 years ago. His drug houses conveniently located in the business portion of the city, occupying a storeroom 60 x 65'. The stock carried embraces full lines of pure drugs, chemicals, standard and proprietary medicines, toilet in perfumery articles and druggists' sundries generally. One assistant is employed in the prescription department and prompt and accurate attention is given to the compounding of physicians' prescriptions and family recipes. Mr. Richey is a practical druggist, thoroughly competent for the duties and responsibilities of the position he fells. His house being one of the old reliable drug establishments of the city, he controls a growing and prosperous trade. He was born in Ohio in 1846 that is an old resident of Muncie, where he is well and favorably known in business circles. |
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V |