Martha Vanarsdal Ribble
Martha Vanarsdal Ribble was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, in the year 1818; moved with her parents to Indiana in 1820; settled on a farm in Delaware county, six miles east of Muncie, near White River, where they resided until 1865, when by old age and poor health, they were compelled to quit housekeeping. The subject of the sketch was married at the old home to Christopher Ribble in 1839, settled for a short time in Burlington, resided several different places in the neighborhood, until the year 1873, when they settled in Muncie, their present home. She was the mother of four children; two of whom died in infancy, one young man who gave his life for his country. The one surviving son, William T., lives near his parents. Mrs. Williams well remembers the early settling of the county, when her father's cabin was often filled with Indians and Muncie was an Indian town.
Prepared from written and verbal recitals of the personal experience of Our Grandmothers of Muncie, in early pioneer life in Indiana. Compiled for a benefit called 'The Grandmother's Rally', given in the interest of the First Baptist Church of Muncie in 1892