D R Pershing
Opera House Grocery, D. R. Pershing, Prop., Opera Block

This house, although inaugurated as recently as 1880, has succeeded by the exercise of an aggressive and liberal business policy in outstripping
many of its older contemporaries and placing itself in the front rank as a depot of home supplies. The premises occupied embrace one room 20 x 70',
in addition to basement, which is fitted up in metropolitan styling Stock with the best and freshest groceries and provisions, consisting of choice
teas, coffee, sugars, syrups, canned goods, notions, queensware, glassware, etc. the facilities enjoyed by this house procuring supplies from
producers, importers and the best jobbing houses in the country are not surpassed by any contemporaneous house in the West, while their annual
transactions will already bear favorable comparison with any similar house in this section of the state, reaching about $20,000. Mr. Pershing is
a native of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, where he was born in 1820. Coming to this day when quite young, he has for a period of 40 years been
identified with the literary pursuits, business and progressive industries of the state. He has for about a quarter of a century been associated
with literary institutions. He was publisher and proprietor of the Warsaw Democrat in 1850, of the Fulton County Flag 1853-55, Rochester Sentinel,
1857-58, in editor and correspondent of various papers at two January, 1876. He then held the position of political editor of the daily and weekly
Fort Wayne Gazette, which position he held up to the time he came to the city, about eight years ago. Was the publisher proprietor of the Muncie Weekly
go to end of line, which paper he successfully conducted to July 1877. It should be noted in this connection the Mr. Pershing is the father of the
arrangement and location of news and items on the third page, now almost in universal use by the press of the whole country. Active in promoting the
material, civil and political welfare of the community, he has chosen and served as Deputy Auditor of Kosciusko County for a period of four years and
of Fulton County from 1852 to 1859.
Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources and Industries of the Principal Places in Wayne, Henry, Delaware and Randolph Counties
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c
Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress

Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V