Emelia Heath |
Emelia Heath, is in her 85th year; She has raised 10 children to be married; the youngest is the wife of Abraham J. Tuttle, now in her 41 year. Mrs. Heath has lived over 50 years in the county, and with the exception of the last two years she has lived on the same farm she helped make from the wild woods. She has been a member of the M. E. Church over 60 years. Her house was a preaching place for many years before houses of public worship were built. In those days ministers dressed in home made jeans, ate corn bread, slept on puncheon floors, and were lulled to sleep by the howling of wolves, and when the ministers could preach soul stirring sermons without the aid of manuscript. She has been a widow for twenty-two years, a da(illegible) of the pipe over sixty-six (illegible). She has now living forty-six grandchildren, forty- six great grandchildren. She is very active yet for one so old and attends church when meetings are held in the neighborhood and enjoys the society of her family and numerous friends. T. B. |