C. H. Green |
business management grown to prominence and importance from small and unpromising beginnings. Mr. C. H. Green began the stove and tinware business 12 years ago in a room 12 x 20' in dimensions. The room now occupied is 20 x 125' in the cellar underneath is also used by the proprietor. The first year's trade amounted to about $2000, while it present it aggregates $12,000, an increase of 500 per cent. The stock carried embraces a full line of cooking and heating stoves, tinware, house furnishing goods, etc., for sale at prices uniformly low unsatisfactory. Three hands are employed and roofing, spouting and guttering and general job work receive prompt attention. This house is the leading one in this line in the city and its trade is located throughout this and adjoining counties. He makes a specialty of fine parlor stoves and in consequence of superior advantage possessed he is prepared to offer special inducements in this line; he is also prepared to set up ranges as ordered. Mr. Green is a native of this state and was born in 1835. System an order, coupled with prompt and polite attention and an exceptional fair dealing, has been the cause of bringing this house to its present prominent position among the business houses of Muncie. |
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V publisher unknown, 1884. |