WELCOME GARRETT. Mr. Garrett was born in Yorktown, Delaware county,
Indiana, January 27, 1846, and is a son of that grand old
man, Luther Garrett, long a resident of Stony-creek township, Madison county, and who died there about the year
1876. Welcome was raised on a farm, and has always
been a farmer. His school advantages were only moderate,
having to assist in raising a large tamily under many disadvantages. Yet he received, by close application to
study, the rudiments of a useful education, and he has
made the most of this stock possible for him. Naturally
inclined to books and study, he to-day (1888) has mastered
the scriptures, and is a ready speaker and teacher in the
Christian Church. In political matters he has no superiors,
if we take into consideration his advantages ; either on the
stump or in private conversation, he is ever ready to defend his doctrine. He is a Republican by nature, instinct
and affiliation. In his township his influence and advice is
at par, and he is an acknowledged worker in the Republican ranks and in the Christian Church. A strictly honest
man and christian gentleman. In 1869 he was married to
Miss Margaret Gift. Two children have been born to
them—Frank, born in 1870, and Luther, born in 1874. Mr. Garrett resides five miles West of Anderson, Stony-creek township, where he has resided nearly all his life. and where he enjoys the esteem of all.