L R Eisenbrand
Manufacturer and Jobber of Fine Havana and Domestic Cigars, West Main St.

Occupying a promineut position in its relation to the trade interests of this city, the establishment of L. R. Eisenbrand has
secured a conspicuous position among the leading houses of the state for the manufacture of popular brands, which command the
attention of dealers and consumers in various sections of the state. Mr. Eisenbrand commenced his present business in April,
1883, and by the careful selection of stock, of which he is a thorough judge, and the manufacture of popular cigars suited to
the requirements of the trade, he has already created a demand for his cigars and given them a standard value and reputation
in the market not surpassed by any. He gives employment to from eight to ten hands and turns out an average of 40,000 cigars
per month. Among the well known and popular brands manufactured by him we mention the "Bijou," a superior five cent cigar,
"The Messenger," a five cent cigar, and "The Mascot," one of the finest ten cent cigars to be found in the market. His general
office and salesroom is 20x25 feet in dimensions, while the manufacturing department in the rear is 22x37 feet. In addition to
his stock of cigars he carries a full line of manufactured tobaccos for smoking and chewing purposes, also a full line of
smokers' articles, commanding the sale of staple and popular brands. He gives special attention to the jobbing of cigars and
tobaccos, and the facilities he enjoys in this line will strongly commend his establishment to the trade through this and ad-
joining counties of the state. Mr. Eisenbrand is a native of Philadelphia, where he was born in 1S59. He is not only a tho-
roughly practical cigar maker but an expert as a judge of leaf and manufactured tobacco, and his judgement in this department
of trade is entitled to most respectful consideration.
Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources and Industries of the Principal Places in Wayne, Henry, Delaware and Randolph Counties
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c
Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress

Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V
publisher unknown, 1884.