Coffeen Marble Works
H. T. C. Coffeen, Prop, North High Street
There is no more commendable feature associated with progressive civilization than is indicated in increasing respect exhibited
in the growing tendency to mark with suitable monument the last resting place of the bodies of deceased friends. As an indi-
cation of the attainments in sculptured monuments and beautiful designs and a commemorative emblems we direct attention to the
Coffeen Marble Works, of this city. The house is been in existence since 1871, at which time it was established by Coffeen Bros.,
Who controlled the business up to November, 1881, at which time the business came into the hands of the present proprietor. Mr.
Coffeen occupies for business purposes a room 20 x 80' in dimensions besides additional yard room in the rear 125 x 125', where
he gives employment to from 4 to 15 hands, and in addition to the preparation of every description of ordinary headstones he is
prepared to execute standard or special designs a fine monumental work the order. In addition to specimens always in stock he
carries drawings of all popular styles, which he will execute the order upon as reasonable terms as any contemporaneous house in
this state. He also carries in stock Freestone marble and granite and is prepared to furnish to order tablets or slabs and curbing
for building purposes or contract for the execution of all work in this line. Among the prominent monuments erected by this house
may be noted the Spencer monument, at Marion, in this state, and elaborate construction valued at $1500; also, the magnificent
monument erected over the grave of Mr. Summers, Henry County. These and numerous others attest to the high attainments in sculptured
mechanism, which will bear favorable comparison with the finest works of art produced by Metropolitan establishments, while the
facilities of this house will enable them to give liberal terms to their patrons. Mr. Coffeen is a native of Warren County, Ohio,
where he was born in 1840. He has resided in the city for the past seven years, since which time he has been chiefly devoted to this
department of business operations, handling the finest grades of both foreign and American marble, granite and building stone.
Manufacturing and Mercantile Resources and Industries of the Principal Places in Wayne, Henry, Delaware and Randolph Counties
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c
Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress

Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V
publisher unknown, 1884.