James Charman |
oldest business houses in the city. Since its commencement this house is largely grown in its volume and importance, until it now holds a prominent position among the leading establishments in the Department of trade its stock embraces. The premises occupied for business purposes embrace a general sales room 20 x 50', with an additional room on the second floor of the same dimensions. The ovens and bakery department in the rear occupy a space 20 x 20' and embraces the most thorough and modern appliances for the successful prosecution of this department. Special attention is given to furnishing families and dealers with the choicest fresh bread, rolls, pies, cakes, etc., and in addition to the stock carried, this house is prepared to supply to order find cakes for weddings, parties or festival occasions upon the most liberal terms. The grocery and confectionary department embraces a full line of fine teas, coffees, spices, sugars, syrups, canned goods, confectionery, tobacco's and cigars, notions, etc. As a depot for general home and table supply, it's crowded sales room presents a most inviting selection. Besides giving employment to one skilled and accomplished baker, he utilizes the services of two assistants in the sales department, while the annual sales will aggregate about $18,000. Mr. Charman is a native of England and was born in Wisley Farm, Surrey, in 1831. When quite young he came to this country, landing in New York City, coming direct to the stake, where he settled in Wayne County, and after about four years came to this city. At that time there were none of the present churches in the place, and where Main Street now is there was only a walk made of occasional stones or block along one side, over 30 years ago. |
A Review of their Manufacturing, Mercantile and General Business Interests, Advantageous Location, &c Including a Brief Historical and Statistical Sketch of Their Rise and Progress Resources and Industries of Indiana, Part V publisher unknown, 1884. |