JOUN CAMPBELL. Mr. Campbell was born in Delaware county, Indiana,
about the year 1841, and has worked on a farm nearly, if
not all the time. He received a good common education
in the country schools of his day, sufficient for the transaction of any ordinary business. He has resided in the
vicinity of Yorktown, Chesterfield and Markleville, Indiana, a good portion of his life, but at this writing (1888)
is a resident of Middletown, Indiana, where he is engaged
in the timber business. He resided many years in Union
township, Madison county, where he served two years as
Trustee of that township—from 1882 to 1884—elected as a
Democrat. He was married at Chesterfield to Miss Shroyer,
one of the pioneers of the county, a very worthy woman;
has many friends in Henry, Delaware and Madison counties. Mr. Campbell is a Mason, having joined at Markleville, Indiana, Rural Lodge, No. 324, about the year 1870.
In person John is good looking, near six feet high, good
features, and weighs two hundred pounds. John plays the
violin well, and can call a cotillion to perfection. I met
him at Markleville in 1865, or about that time.