Eveline Wachtell Barnes
Eveline Wachtell Barnes was born in Washington county, Md., came to Springfield, Ohio, in 1833, and moved to Muncie in 1839. When we came to Muncie it contained only 250 inhabitants. We rented a little log house on Washington street where now stands Mrs. Emily Swain's house, and lived there till we bought the little red brick on West Main street known as the Wachtell brick. On the 6th of January 1842, I was married to William Barnes. Eight children were born to us, seven still living. Five are married. Three grandchildren are living. My husband died July 17th 1890; since then I have lived with a son and daughter.
Prepared from written and verbal recitals of the personal experience of Our Grandmothers of Muncie, in early pioneer life in Indiana. Compiled for a benefit called 'The Grandmother's Rally', given in the interest of the First Baptist Church of Muncie in 1892